In a hidden corner of the world lies Jangala, an ancient jungle island shrouded in mist and mystery. For centuries, Jangala was protected by guardian spirits, until they were captured inside a magical artifact. Now the once powerful spirits languish, unable to act while their beautiful island home faces encroachment and destruction. Meanwhile in an old pirate port, three spirited school children, each with a dream of a more fulfilling life, discover the relic. The students unwittingly unleash a mysterious island spirit, who transports them to a jungle both dangerous and wondrous. As the trio work to help the guardian spirits of Jangala reclaim their power, they evolve from curious explorers into courageous heroes and heroines, accomplishing daring feats, and gaining inner strength and resilience. Amid action-packed acrobatic and aerial escapades and heartwarming moments, they learn friendship and family are the true treasures they seek.
Special thanks to our presenting sponsors HealthPartners TRIA.
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Special thanks to our presenting sponsors HealthPartners TRIA.
Mobile users: if viewing our site from a mobile device, click the three-line menu in the top left corner and select "Info" for information on venue location, ticketing line phone number, and more.